FOURTH NEW ORLEANS MIDDLE EAST FILM FESTIVAL will be NOVEMBER 26 through December 5, 2010 This year's festival will coincide with the opening of the second INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM .
At a ceremony at UNESCO, the first UN agency to admit Palestine as a full Member, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas shakes hands with Director-General Irina Bokova .
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There has long been bad blood between Iran and Saudi Arabia, but popular protests across the Middle East now threaten to turn the rivalry into a
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Complete coverage of the Middle East with news, features, analysis, opinion, articles, columns and archives from the Wall Street Journal.
Note: Modern is the post-Ottoman period, since 1918. The Middle East is traditionally defined as the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia, Levant, and Egypt) and neighbouring areas of .
Los Angeles Times: Middle East News . By Jeffrey Fleishman and Zaid al-Alayaa, Los Angeles Times. Ali Abdullah Saleh asks Yemenis for forgiveness for middle east wall map the turmoil in the .
A few days ago, a visitor left a comment drawing our attention to an Israeli online petition calling on IDF soldiers not to serve in the disputed territories of Judea and .
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Daily world news from Middle Eastern newspapers. . Iranian Nuclear Issue within the State System. The controversy of Iran's nuclear energy is the latest episode in a state .
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